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Lowongan Kerja Marketing Trainee PT Djarum Tahun 2012 by jarno

Posted by jarno - January 17, 2012 PT Djarum , We are the leading manufacturer of kretek in the world. For more than 50 years, we have delivered high-quality kreteks to ensure our customer satisfaction. Our well known brands, such as Djarum Super, Djarum Black and LA Lights, are sold in numerous countries and already become international best sellers. Our success comes from diverse array of highly talented people who are fueled with passion for performance, dedication and being consistently innovative. Our environment is all about teamwork, integrity and mutual respect. Marketing Trainee (CODE: MT) Jakarta Raya Responsibilities: As our trainees, you will undergo our one-year training where you will learn various marketing and management functions as you will be groomed to be part of our management team. Upon completion of training, you must be ready to relocate to any major cities throughout Indonesia. Requirements: Male, single, & maximum 28 years of age Hold minimum of Bachelor degree GPA of more than 3.00 Have at least 1 years of related experiences in FMCG Sales, Marketing or Promotion area We will only contact candidates who pass the initial selection process and are eligible for company’s interview. only short-listed candidates will be invited for the selection process. More Jobs Advertisements

Lowongan Kerja Marketing Trainee PT Djarum Tahun 2012 by jarno di posting di : Lowongan Kerja CPNS dan BUMN - Info Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru

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